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Correlation of Central Corneal Thickness and Axial Length in Myopes, Emmetropes and Hypermetropes
Dr. Drashti Kataria, Dr. Mese Mero , Dr. Trupti M. Solu
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Aims and objective: To compare central corneal thickness and axial length in emmetropes, myopes and hypermetropes. Methods and Material: A cross sectional study was carried out in patients presenting to ophthalmology OPD for routine eye checkup at new Civil Hospital, Surat. Result and Conclusion: The study showed no statistically significant difference between CCT in myopes, emmetropes and hyperopes. Changes in axial length were significant in myopes, emmetropes and hyperopes. There was no statistically significant difference between central corneal thickness in myopes, emmetropes and hyperopes.

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