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Introduction: Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome of systemic illness accompanied by bacteraemia in thefirst 28 days of life (neonates). Early onset sepsis is the culture positive infection within the first 72hours of life while late onset sepsis is the culture positive infection after 72 hours of life.Materials and Methods: 166 neonates, of which 83 suspected of early neonatal sepsis and 83 suspected of late onsetsepsis were included in the study over a period of two months. Blood culture andqualitative assessment of CRP was done for all the subjects.Results: Out of the 166 Neonates, 2(1.2%) were both Blood culture positive and CRP positive; 21(12.8%) were only Blood culture positive, CRP negative; 19(11.5%) were only CRP positive, Blood culture negative. Among 83 early onset sepsis cases, both CRP and blood culture was positive in 2(2.4%) cases. Blood culture alone was positive in 9(10.8%) cases and only CRP was positive in 19(22.8%) cases. Among 83 late onset sepsis cases, only Blood culture positive were seen in 14(16.8%) cases and only CRP was positive in 2(2.4%) cases. Conclusion: CRP plays a major role as acute phase reactant in diagnosis of early onset sepsis. But in lateonset sepsis, Blood culture plays a major role. So Blood culture is the gold standard fordiagnosis of neonatal sepsis. |
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