Thyroid Screening of Preterm and Term Newborn Discharged from SNCU
Background: The TSH and T4 level rises in 24 hours and decline gradually to 4 weeks of age and stabilizes at slightly at higher level than the adult in term newborns. In the preterm T4 level decline profoundly after birth resulting in hypothyroxemia of prematurity most marked in infants born prior to 30 weeks gestation. There is also in delay rise of TSH. Aims and Objections: To do thyroid screening preterm and term newborns babies admitted and later discharged from Special Newborn Care Unit. Material and Methods: This study was conducted from 2022 in Department of Pediatrics, Kamla Raja Hospital, G.R.M.C., Gwalior. Setting: Department of Pediatrics, SNCU, KRH in GRMC, Gwalior. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Sample size:120 newborns (60term and 60 preterm). Duration of study: 2 years. Statistical analysis: SPSS version 25. Results and Conclusion: 120 newborns (60 term and 60 preterm) were taken. Out of 60 preterms, 40 (66.66%) males and 20 (33.3%) females while 32 (53.3%) males and 28 (46.7%) were female term newborns. In the study, 2 preterm (1.67%) were having true congenital hypothyroidism and delay TSH rise was reported 3 preterm (5.1%) and 2 (3.3%) term newborn. In the study 3(5%) preterm and 2(3.33%) term newborn were having congenital hypothyroidism on admission but on second and third screening their thyroid becomes normal. So they were level as transient hypothyroidism. No case of congenital hypothyroidism in term newborn.