Remarks on Metabolic Health Conference 2024: In light of personal experience and scientific literature

This article aims to provide a remark on the second Metabolic Health Conference (MHC2), which was recently held from April 26 to 28, 2024. The authors are researchers who participated in MHC-2 as speakers and wanted to provide a remark which should reach diverse professionals and members of the public. The authors formulate this remark by using their personal experience at the conference and critically reflecting on the relevant scientific literature. This article finds the following.

While India  needs novel approaches to  address  its increasing  metabolic health issues, and  while  adopting such  approaches is  challenging, the Metabolic  Health Conferences (MHCs) serve as a promising hope. Moreover, the first Metabolic Health Conference (MHC-1) and MHC-2 fill the gap of roughly 115 years, as within this span,  it is hard to find a conference exclusively dedicated to discussing the low-carbohydrate approach in light of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in India.

Additionally, because of MHC-1 and MHC-2, for the first time in the history of the Indian low-carbohydrate movement, numerous stakeholders—researchers, doctors, health professionals, and organisations—across the globe united to discuss the lowcarbohydrate approach in light of the Indian population's diverse metabolic health issues. These conferences are an essential resource for contemporary and future researchers and practitioners. Therefore, MHC-1 and MHC-2 are pivotal in reshaping Indian public health