A Comparative Study of Blood Loss Estimation in Normal Delivery by Visual Estimation Vs Gravimetric Method

Introduction: Conventionally blood loss assessment during labour is done by naked eye assessment but it is subjective and many times small prickles of blood loss is overlooked and patients end up in DIC and maternal morbidity. Sometimes blood loss during labour is overestimated and hence unnecessary blood transfusions are also being given.

The objective of this study was to find out whether gravimetric method will help to assess blood loss more accurately than visual method and thereby help reducing probable morbidity.

Aim: To compare blood loss estimation in normal delivery by visual estimation vs gravimetric method (dry mop weight measurement)

Study Design: Observational Study

Results: 1) Gravimetric (Dry mop weight) method improved the detection of measured blood loss compared with the visual inspection

2) The mean blood loss was 300ml by visual inspection and 400ml by gravimetric method

Conclusion: 1) Gravimetric method can be used to accurately measure the postpartum blood loss in vaginal delivery.

2) Gravimetric method is a rapid and precise procedure to diagnose PPH in labour room.

3) Visual EBL should be replaced with dry mop weight measurement of postpartum blood loss.